This fall, I was granted the privilege to aid in the creation of an experimental course set to launch in the spring for undergraduate Business students. The premise of the course, entitled Aspire to be Hired, is designed to guide students through a simulated job search process where they will strengthen cover letter and resume writing, interviewing and networking skills in an effort to be hired by a mock employer. My role in the course thus far has been to recruit, hire, train, and supervise five Teaching Assistants (TAs) who will mentor their assigned group of students and share their own personal experiences throughout the semester. My work thus far has allowed me the authority to implement a selection process and training program for TAs that, if proven to be successful, will be used in subsequent semesters.
One of the elements I contributed to the development of the course was a student questionnaire (see right). This will help me to match students with a TA that will be of the greatest help to them throughout the course of the semester. My fellow colleagues, who I will be instructing the course alongside, have designed this class to be unlike any other career readiness course to date, involving real-life scenarios that students will work through, group discussion, peer mentorship from a student who has already gone through the internship process, and simulated components that are allowing students to get hands-on experience in professional development skills before they apply to real internships. There has been much co-designing of the course for both instructors and the TAs, which we hope will result in an experience that students will not only gain a wealth of knowledge but also engage in the course material in a way that will follow them beyond the spring semester.

Student Questionnaire
The purpose of this brief questionnaire is to provide us with a little more information about you as a learner and soon-to-be professional. Please do your best to answer each question as thoroughly as possible so that we can help you achieve your maximum potential in this course and beyond.
What is an area of professionalism you are hoping to become more confident in by the end of this course?
On a scale of 1-4, with 1 being “not at all” and 4 being “extremely”, how competitive are you?
1 2 3 4
How do you prefer to learn new information (concrete examples, trial and error, learning from peers, etc.)?
What extracurricular activities are you involved in (if any)?
List 3-5 professional areas of interest (e.g. banking, social media marketing, data analytics, etc.)
Use the space below to provide us with any additional information you’d like for us to know to help you in this course:
My Work: